Online Shopping Security

Shopping Online Securely

Today’s retail shopping scene has changed, is still changing, and will probably change more, but the best we can do is concentrate on the here and now.

Online shopping has seen huge growth in just a relatively few years, there are many people today who find it perfectly natural, that when an item is required, first move is the internet.

And why not indeed? The range of goods available on line is so vast, that to put them in a mall, would take the rest of your life to walk it.

Fibre optic broadband has brought us great convenience and lifestyle, it has also brought us phishing, scammers, and other hacking threats.

To maintain our relatively simple requirements of shopping online, all that is generally needed is a little forethought and attention. Don’t take security for granted, don’t be afraid to use the systems, just a few simple precautions can go a long way to helping keep things secure.

Every now and then check for updates to your operating system, and keep up to date with the current versions, and run scans for malware and antivirus too.

If you are using a seller’s site for the first time, and the name is new to you, it won’t hurt to have a look at their credentials with a quick search of the site name should reveal experiences and reviews about them.

If you are going to make a purchase, when you reach the stage of payment, glance at the address in the browser bar and just check the https:/ carries five letters. The address reading only http:/ does not carry the security layer that the S denotes.

The S stands for Secure Sockets Layer, and basically means that your financial information, as it is sent from your terminal is encoded and can only be decoded by the terminal at the sellers end, and no one else.

Their address may also carry a logo of a locked padlock or unbroken key to indicate that they have had third party verification of security.

Always use your credit card for payment. It might feel more natural to use a debit card, but theses offer little to no protection or recall should anything go awry.

Should a problem arise and the seller disappears from sight, or you have become the victim of a scam, the card supplier is jointly liable with the seller for the purchase that you make.

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The credit card company should reimburse you provided you haven’t been reckless or foolish with your shopping, and remember to thoroughly and promptly check your monthly bill from them.

The sooner you report any discrepancy the better the chance of the card company covering the expense.